
Since 2018 Addrenaline has been the vendor of record for campaign design and management for the KFL&A Health Unit's (Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox, Addington) Youth Anti-Vaping Strategy. In order to reach the target audience (13 to 18 year olds) Addrenaline developed a fictitious hip-hop artist named Lil' Vape. The strategy involved producing a hip hop song "Blow Yo Money In The Air" complete with custom instrumentation and lyrics/lyricist (a well known Toronto hip hop artist) that aimed to take the "cool" out of vaping. Addrenaline filmed and edited a music video for the campaign that brought the song to life, and would be the central vehicle for driving eyeballs to the messaging and the campaign. Over the course of a year Addrenaline would use Instagram and Twitter to slowly reveal that while on tour, Lil' Vape was becoming ill and experiencing the side effects of vaping firsthand. Addrenaline continues to manage this campaign, now known as Vepidemic, through 2020. Here is our client's impression of how original and cutting edge this campaign turned out to be:

Our work for KFL&A/ONTARIO PUBLIC HEALTH includes:

  • graphic design
  • campaign strategy
  • social media management
  • after effects animations
  • video production
  • event live streams
  • web design

"Hi Kyle,

I just wanted to share this with you…they are 2 new vaping prevention ads that came through from Rescue out of the States.

This organization has been in the behaviour change business for over a decade and has focused a lot on tobacco prevention messaging.

I wanted to flag these new ads to demonstrate how on pointe you guys are at Addrenaline with your campaign messaging. Check out both ads they developed and you will see how similar they are to our messaging including even making a play off the Juul name. Rescue goes above and beyond when it comes to only putting things out that are steeped in evidence and yet they came out with similar messages as you developed for Vepidemic.

Similar to when the Truth campaign came out with their Vaping prevention ad which was a satirical rap video AFTER we had released Lil' Vape.

I just wanted to share this with you so that you can see that not only are you guys on pointe with the 2 largest tobacco prevention marketing campaigns but in both instances you developed the concepts first!!!

All of the red tape we have been hit with over the past year is unfortunate and frustrating but I wanted to just reiterate that we really value all the work you guys do and that you are awesome. It sucks that we can't run like these other campaigns (Government funded and all) but it is still nice to know that we did it first and that we were right in our approach.


Angela McKercher-Mortimer BCW/YW, CYW
Youth Development Specialist - TCAN East

In addition to our work with KFL&A, Addrenaline re-designed Peterborough Public Health's website in 2018.

update & streamline

This was a site in definite need of an update design-wise, but beyond the new look required Addrenaline was tasked with condensing/reducing the enormous page count (900+ pages!) down to less than half that.

As a government website AODA/WCAG compliance was another requirement of this project.

user-friendly & responsive

The old site was not responsive (mobile-friendly) and was bloated with duplicate pages, broken links and confusing organization. We created a new look, edited content down to a much more manageable 300 pages and made it easier for people to find what they need to.
  • overview

    The new site was built in the newest version of Joomla to replace their old Wordpress site. This site also needed a serious reduction the number of pages (to remove duplicates and condense/streamline others) and it needed to be mobile-friendly and comply with AODA/WCAG regulations.
  • requirements

    The new site needed to provide important health information in a way that was easy to find and understand. This meant a navigation structure that lent itself to quickly locating resources people rely on, and offering related links so visitors can get as much information as the wish about health programs, clinics, classes and much more. It also needed to be fully responsive and compliant with the AODA (Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act) and WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
  • solution

    The completed site provides large-format photos, well-organized information about Peterborough Public Health, an events management feature for clinics and classes, contact forms, a blog, and of course... a beautiful new look!

"I personally want to say thank you for all of your hard work and AMAZING customer service on this project. I could not have been more pleased with how this project rolled out. We were under very tight timelines and you guys really dug in to make it happen.

I would highly recommend Addrenaline's services to anyone. Chris was EXCELLENT to work with on this project. Your response time to technical issues and questions and your efforts to meet the needs (even when they were ever changing!) of anything that I threw at you was impressive, to say the least. We were a great team on this one!

JOB WELL DONE Addrenaline!"

Angela McKercher-Mortimer BCW/YW, CYW
Youth Development Specialist - TCAN East